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The world’s first NFT protocol
allowing brands to secure royalties for their non-digital assets.

Mint brand NFTS (bNFT) for your brand's non-digital assets, collect royalties for each sale, enlist the communities help to market your product, and cut down on fakes circulating the market.

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Featured Categories

Find over 250,000 sneakers and more at launch.

Our Vision

To be the trusted protocol for brand's non-digital assets, so that brands can collect royalties for every sale, and consumers can have feel secure knowing they're buying authentic products.

Brand NFTs (bNFT)

We provide brands the power to mint brand NFTs (bNFT) that can be listed and sold anywhere on the blockchain.

Co create
Brands with Millenials

The future of marketing is in co-creation. Enlist the help of millenails to create, share, and distribute your products.

Royalties for Every Sale

Capture revnue for your brand each time your branded NFT gets sold or resold on our marketplace.